
  • Danny replied to the topic Refined Storage Upgrades deleted in the forum Server Discussion 7 years, 2 months ago

    This is a known bug that’s mentioned in the MOTD when you connect to the server and a pinned message in the Discord channel.

    Refined storage has a really nasty bug right now that will delete disks, upgrades, crafting patterns and any other inventory and settings within RS blocks. It’s recommended that you use External Storage to store all your items and avoid doing autocrafting or anything else with RS other than accessing externally stored items until this bug is fixed.

    Hopefully, it will be soon. Raoul is having a really hard time tracking down this bug, because we haven’t been able to figure out how to repeat it reliably.

    If anyone is able to discover a way to reliably reproduce this bug (in a single player world), you will be showered with love and praise! All we know so far is that it sometimes happens within chunks that are periodically loaded and unloaded prior to a server reboot (which in a single player would just mean save & quit to menu, then reopen).