Server/Modpack Update

A modpack update will be posted within the next day or so. Be sure to check the website to see which version the server is running. It may take me a day or so to update the server once the new pack version goes live. This update is mostly just a maintenance update with several mod updates, some bug fixes and a few new features. The only new mods are Clipboard and Akashic Tome.

More than half of you have been whitelisted so far. I will be continuing to whitelist people on a first-come first-served basis over the coming days. You will receive an email from me when you have been added. Be sure to check your spam folder. Since I’ll be BCCing the message, and it contains a link to our Discord chat server, it may have a higher than normal likelihood of being flagged as spam.

So far, things are going great on the server. Aside from a few reported lag spikes (which I personally haven’t experienced), the server is handling the load well so far. The server community has been very friendly, helpful to each other and vivacious! Everyone seems to be having a lot of fun, including me. 😀