
  • Danny started the topic Spawn Build – Building Ideas in the forum Server Discussion 7 years, 7 months ago

    I have lots of ideas floating in my head about our spawn build, but I’m really interested in hearing your ideas too. So, I’m just going to dump some ideas here for you all to run with….

    I think our first priority is going to be providing a safe place for people to get started. Maybe even a hotel-like place to wait out your first night, and some gardens for easy food. Secondarily, we’ll want information here about the server, the rules and maybe some tutorials.

    Besides that, I’d like to see a little “town” develop around spawn maybe with shops (as is being discussed in another thread), and maybe even some resources to get people started. I’d like to see roads around spawn for those who want to build bases near spawn. Since we’ll be using FTB Utilities for chunk claiming, it might make sense to have roads along chunk boundaries with chunk-wide “plots” people can claim. As you get further from spawn, the “suburban plots” get larger.

    Of course, I want a boat dock. If we’re going to have a town on a river or ocean shore, that just has to happen, right?

    What else?