Seed Poll Results

Results have been tallied and Seed #1 is the winner by a single vote! Here’s the breakdown:

  • #1 – 16
  • #2 – 1
  • #3 – 15
  • #4 – 12

Had I counted the votes a couple hours later and had not already set up the server. Seed 3 might have won as there was one vote for #3 and another for “the one with the maple forest”, which #3 did have, but I think one of the others did as well.

Personally, I was torn. So, I’m glad you could help me decide ;). Keep in mind that I do not plan on having a world border, so if you want to settle in a highlands or a maple forest, that option will still be there. And, we can definitely have more than one “public” area or town or whatever.

You may have noticed that the server status has been online from time to time today. I have been setting things up and getting things ready for building. No one has been whitelisted yet, but builders will be whitelisted tomorrow.


Whitelisting Scheduling Start Today

Today, I’ll be sending out emails to 10 people who I’ll be asking to join me for a spawn building session this Sunday at 12:00PM CDT (5:00 PM GMT). I know this is short notice, so I hope most of the builders will be able to join us.

So far, there are 77 of us. The remaining 66 whitelists will be added in groups over the next couple weeks. This will be mostly on a first come-first served basis. Depending on how well the server handles the load, those of you who signed up most recently may have to be waitlisted.

Also, I will be posting a video tonight showcasing 4 different potential server seeds. One is the one I already showed you, the other are 3 suggested in the forums. Please check this out and vote on your favorite seed.

Website Profiles Are Ready

I created website profiles for those of you who filled out the server form last week. Those of you who signed up within the last few days already have profiles.

The process was a bit messy: mistakes were made, duplications happened. If I mistakenly deleted your account or some of your information, let me know. I have a backup.

You can now post in the forums, reply to others posts and leave comments on this and other announcements. Feel free to let me know if you have questions or run into any problems.

Server should be up next weekend for helpers and open to everyone over the following week or so.

Server Status

So far, we have about 65 whitelist applications. I plan to take some time this coming weekend to pick about 10 people to help with load testing and getting a nice spawn area set up.

I hope to have the server running Friday October 14, but it will only be open to a small group of helpers at that time. The remaining players will be whitelisted over the next week or so if all goes well.

In the meantime, I plan to continue my search for the perfect seed. If you happen to stumble upon a great seed, let me know. Ideally, I’d like a plains area that’s partially surrounded by mountains. Having an ocean on one side and mountains on the other sides would be perfect.